What is our mission?

We are preparing an autonomous vessel, flying the European flag, with staff ready to bring whatever is necessary on site.

A direct and HISTORICAL humanitarian commitment in this open form is unprecedented.


It's not just help,


it is the demonstration that we must not stand by and watch, that everyone can do their part and that together we can make a difference.


The symbolic place from which the operation it has been launched is the Palestinian city of BETHLEHEM between the Nativity and the Mosque, because what matters is only HUMANITY.


The ship will be named “MADIBA”, Nelson Mandela’s nickname.



Focused mainly on emergency food assistance, the initiative also seeks to prepare hot meals from the boat to the port of Gaza. A second phase will also aim to deliver medical help.

A European Ship supported concretely by anyone who will help us, as has never happened before! 

A sign of hope!


In light of the dramatic humanitarian situation in the GAZA strip, it is no longer possible to stand by and watch!

The recent success of the NGO “Open Arms” and the maritime corridor, which has opened, require us not to wait any longer.


We launched the maritime solidarity operation for Gaza "Solidarity Action Gaza"

So far


COUNTRIES involved where your donations come from




(to date)




advisors and more



Let's create together

The historic Italian war reporter Claudio Locatelli, already active in multiple solidarity emergencies, conceived this operation.

The first members include the London-based "Food for All" charity, which will take care of the meals, and the mayor of the Italian municipality of Assisi, together with many other institutions and citizens from Europe and beyond.

OPEN to all mayors, councilors, municipalities, entities, businesses,  organizations and individuals who want to adhere to it ( become a volunteer, help us).

By adhering to the initiative, helping to spread the operation through your channels and donating freely.

A ship to Gaza all together! Those who join will be invited to the official departure

If, as a mayor, councilor and/or municipality, you want to join, we are ready.  Time is running out, we all need to save as many lives as possible.



The vessel will take care of bringing food supplies and will try to prepare hot meals. If the situation on the ground allows it, a second phase of free medical assistance for Gazans is planned.

Departure is scheduled for May 1-10, depending on sea conditions.

The operation will form part of the food coordination launched by the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the support of FAO and other entities.


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