Claudio Locatelli - is an Italian well known war reporter, among the last remains in Kabul when Taliban took over.
From there, in 2021, he launched his journalistic revolution project, effectively bringing millions of people closer to the issues of war and the world via social networks in a few days - coming to the attention of the national press as the first of its kind in Italy.
Known as "The Fighting Journalist", a nickname given to him in Northern Syria when he made a life choice: to join the Kurds of Rojava against ISIS in the liberation of Raqqa-2017
He decided to accept this challenge,
253km from Olympia to Athens in 3 days, trying to arrive in Athens on the same day as the Olympic torch will enter the Greek capital for the handover ceremony
All for solidarity and an immediate ceasefire - Olympic Truce in Gaza
To raise awareness and support the project of the first European Solidarity Ship for Gaza created by the citizens, authorities and realities of Europe, an unprecedented initiative in this form
"A SHIP for GAZA" - Help us!
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